
Montessori Department
There is nothing dearer to the hearts of parents than their children. The Child Education Society promotes schools which recognise that parents are the first educators of their children. Schools run by society, help parents in this most precious task. School years are crucial for the development of good habits and character which are the building blocks of excellence. The habit of study, the love of learning and the quest for truth, the responsible use of freedom, personal integrity and a willingness to help improve society, are especially important. These tools are essential to empower the student to become an excellent professional and a mature and responsible citizen. It is well known that the critical developmental period for these qualities is up to the age of twelve years. The earlier a child benefits from an education which fosters these good qualities the better the chance he or she has to reach his or her full potential and make a positive contribution to society
Primary Department
In the Primary Department emphasis is given to ‘experiential learning’. It is intended that at the end of the primary phase of education, students would have acquired skills in literacy, oral expression, numeracy and problem solving for the next phase of their education. The level of content gained should also equip them with the requisite knowledge, values and attitudes for secondary education.

Middle Department
At this level, children are encouraged to learn in a variety of ways through experience, experimentation, reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking and reflecting & expressing oneself in speech and writing both individually and with others. They get opportunities for all these kinds of activities in the course of development. Besides the academic subjects, Sanskrit is taught as a third language.
Senior Secondary Department
Along with the knowledge of subject matter, vocational & career guidance is also provided to students to prepare them to lead successful lives. The focus is on ingrafting in them ability for enquiry, critical thinking and rational judgment, good sense of discipline and moral values within the ever-changing social norms of society by positive reinforcement of good work & good behavior.

Montessori Department
There is nothing dearer to the hearts of parents than their children. The Child Education Society promotes schools which recognise that parents are the first educators of their children. Schools run by society, help parents in this most precious task. School years are crucial for the development of good habits and character which are the building blocks of excellence. The habit of study, the love of learning and the quest for truth, the responsible use of freedom, personal integrity and a willingness to help improve society, are especially important. These tools are essential to empower the student to become an excellent professional and a mature and responsible citizen. It is well known that the critical developmental period for these qualities is up to the age of twelve years. The earlier a child benefits from an education which fosters these good qualities the better the chance he or she has to reach his or her full potential and make a positive contribution to society

Primary Department
In the Primary Department emphasis is given to ‘experiential learning’. It is intended that at the end of the primary phase of education, students would have acquired skills in literacy, oral expression, numeracy and problem solving for the next phase of their education. The level of content gained should also equip them with the requisite knowledge, values and attitudes for secondary education.

Middle Department
At this level, children are encouraged to learn in a variety of ways through experience, experimentation, reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking and reflecting & expressing oneself in speech and writing both individually and with others. They get opportunities for all these kinds of activities in the course of development. Besides the academic subjects, Sanskrit is taught as a third language.

Senior Secondary Department
Along with the knowledge of subject matter, vocational & career guidance is also provided to students to prepare them to lead successful lives. The focus is on ingrafting in them ability for enquiry, critical thinking and rational judgment, good sense of discipline and moral values within the ever-changing social norms of society by positive reinforcement of good work & good behavior.